Module RefinesInjectedCodes

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import Libtactics.
Require Import INJECT.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Permissions Emem MemoryMachine RTLinject RefinesDefs RefinesUtils.
Require Import RefinesRules.
Require Import RefinesRules2.
Require Import RefinesRules3.
Require Import DataStructures Common InjectedCode GCthread.
Require Import Utf8.
Require Import AllRefinesRulesAux.

Require MIRexample.

Ltac build_refines_fold f trm :=
  match trm with
    | ?x => f x
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s1 in
        constr:(refines_seq_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s2 in
        constr:(refines_seq_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s1 in
        constr:(refines_branch_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s2 in
        constr:(refines_branch_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sifthenelse ?c ?a ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s1 in
        constr:(refines_if1 c a s1 _ s2 h)
    | Sifthenelse ?c ?a ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s2 in
        constr:(refines_if2 c a s1 s2 _ h)
    | Srepeat ?b ?c ?a =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f b in
        constr:(refines_repeat_congruence b _ c a h)
    | Swhile ?c ?a ?b =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f b in
        constr:(while_repeat_congruence b _ c a h)
    | Sloop ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s in
        constr:(refines_loop _ _ h)
    | Satomic ?b ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f s in
        constr:(refines_atomic b _ _ h (refl_equal _))

Ltac refines_fold f :=
  match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h)

Ltac build_refines_fold_not_conservative f trm :=
  match trm with
    | ?x => f x
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f s1 in
        constr:(refines_seq_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f s2 in
        constr:(refines_seq_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sloop ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f s in
        constr:(refines_loop _ _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f s1 in
        constr:(refines_branch_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f s2 in
        constr:(refines_branch_right s1 _ _ h)


Ltac refines_fold_not_conservative f :=
  match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_not_conservative f stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h)

Ltac build_refines_branch trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s3 (Sbranch ?s1 ?s2) =>
      constr:(refines_seq_branch s3 s1 s2)
    | Sseq (Sbranch ?s1 ?s2) ?s3 =>
      constr:(refines_branch_seq s1 s2 s3)
    | Sbranch (Sbranch ?s1 ?s2) ?s3 =>
      constr:(refines_branch_assoc s1 s2 s3)
    | Sbranch ?s1 (Sbranch ?s1 ?s2) =>
      constr:(refines_branch_dup s1 s2)

Ltac refines_branch := refines_fold build_refines_branch.

Ltac build_refines_remove_freeperm trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s Sfreeperm =>
      constr:(refines_remove_freeperm_right s)

Ltac refines_remove_freeperm := refines_fold build_refines_remove_freeperm.

Ltac build_refines_remove_leak trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq (Leak ?l ?r1 ?r2) ?s =>
      constr:(refines_remove_leak_left l r1 r2 s)
    | Sseq ?s (Leak ?l ?r1 ?r2) =>
      constr:(refines_remove_leak_right l r1 r2 s)

Ltac refines_remove_leak := refines_fold build_refines_remove_leak.

Ltac build_freeperm_next trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq Sfreeperm (Sseq ?s1 ?s2) =>
      constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 Sfreeperm s1 s2)

Ltac refines_freeperm_next := refines_fold build_freeperm_next.

Ltac build_refines_swap_freeperm trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq Sfreeperm ?s =>
      constr:(refines_remove_perm s (refl_equal _))

Ltac refines_swap_freeperm := refines_fold build_refines_swap_freeperm.

Ltac build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr trm :=
  match trm with
    | Satomic ?b stmt1 => constr:(refines_atomic' b stmt1 stmt2 hr (refl_equal _))
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s1 in
        constr:(refines_seq_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s2 in
        constr:(refines_seq_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s1 in
        constr:(refines_branch_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s2 in
        constr:(refines_branch_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sloop ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s in
        constr:(refines_loop _ _ h)
    | Satomic ?b ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 hr s in
        constr:(refines_atomic b _ _ h (refl_equal _))

Ltac refines_replace_in_atomic stmt1 stmt2 :=
  unfold reg;
  let h:= fresh in
  (assert (h:refines_in_atomic stmt1 stmt2);
  [ idtac|
    match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h2 := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 h stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h2)

Ltac refines_replace_in_atomic_with_lemma h :=
  unfold reg;
  match type of h with
    | refines_in_atomic ?stmt1 ?stmt2 =>
    match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h2 := build_refines_fold_atomic stmt1 stmt2 h stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h2)

Ltac build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr trm :=
  match trm with
    | stmt1 => constr:(hr)
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s1 in
        constr:(refines_seq_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s2 in
        constr:(refines_seq_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s1 in
        constr:(refines_branch_left _ s2 _ h)
    | Sbranch ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s2 in
        constr:(refines_branch_right s1 _ _ h)
    | Sloop ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s in
        constr:(refines_loop _ _ h)
    | Satomic ?b ?s =>
      let h := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 hr s in
        constr:(refines_atomic b _ _ h (refl_equal _))

Ltac refines_replace stmt1 stmt2 :=
  unfold reg;
  let h:= fresh in
  (assert (h:refines stmt1 stmt2);
  [ idtac|
    match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h2 := build_refines_fold_replace stmt1 stmt2 h stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h2)

Ltac build_refines_remove stmt trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq stmt ?s2 =>
        constr:(refines_dead_code stmt s2 (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
      let h := build_refines_remove stmt s2 in
        constr:(refines_seq_right s1 _ _ h)

Ltac refines_remove_dead stmt1 :=
  match goal with
    | |- refines ?stmt _ =>
      let h2 := build_refines_remove stmt1 stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (1:=h2)

Ltac build_refines_abort trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s (Sabort ?af ?r ?e) =>
      constr:(refines_stmt_abort s af e r (refl_equal _))
    | Sseq (Sabort ?af ?r ?e) ?s =>
      constr:(refines_abort_stmt s af r e)
    | Sloop (Sbranch (Sabort ?af ?r ?e) ?stmt) =>
      constr:(refines_loop_branch_abort af r e stmt)
    | Satomic true (Sabort Atomic ?r ?msg) =>
      constr:(refines_depromotes_abort r msg)

Ltac refines_abort := refines_fold build_refines_abort.

Ltac build_refines_seq_assoc trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq (Sseq ?s1 ?s2) ?s3 =>
      constr:(refines_seq_assoc2 s1 s2 s3)
    | Sseq ?s Sskip =>
      constr:(refines_stmt_skip s)
    | Sseq Sskip ?s =>
      constr:(refines_skip_stmt s)

Ltac build_refines_seq_assoc_right trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s3 (Sseq ?s1 ?s2) =>
      constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 s3 s1 s2)

Ltac refines_seq_assoc := refines_fold build_refines_seq_assoc.
Ltac refines_seq_assoc_inv := refines_fold build_refines_seq_assoc_right.

Ltac refines_fold2 f :=
  match goal with
    | |- refines _ ?stmt =>
      let h := build_refines_fold f stmt in
        apply refines_trans with (2:=h)

Ltac refines_seq_assoc_right := refines_fold2 build_refines_seq_assoc_right.

Ltac build_refines_if trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sifthenelse ?cond ?args ?ifso ?ifnot =>
        constr:(refines_if_with_branch cond args ifso ifnot)

Ltac refines_if :=
  refines_fold build_refines_if;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc;
  simpl negate_condition.

Ltac build_refines_repeat trm :=
  match trm with
    | Srepeat ?b ?c ?a => constr:(refines_repeat b c a)

Ltac refines_repeat :=
  refines_fold build_refines_repeat;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc;
  simpl negate_condition.

Ltac build_refines_while trm :=
  match trm with
    | Swhile ?b ?c ?a => constr:(refines_while a b c)

Ltac refines_while :=
  refines_fold build_refines_while;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc;
  simpl negate_condition.

Ltac build_refines_swap_assert trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s1 (Sseq (Sassume ?c ?a) ?s2) =>
      let h1 := constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 s1 (Sassume c a) s2) in
      let h2 := build_refines_swap_assert (Sseq s1 (Sassume c a)) in
      let h3 := constr:(refines_seq_left _ s2 _ h2) in
        constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ h1 h3)
    | Sseq ?s (Sassume ?c ?a) =>
      constr:(refines_swap_assert s c a (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))

Ltac refines_swap_assert :=
  refines_fold build_refines_swap_assert;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_cas trm :=
  match trm with
    | (Sseq
      (Satomicmem ?r Op.AScas (?ptr::?new::?old::nil) ?dst)
      (Sseq (Sassume (Op.Ccomp Cne) (?dst::?old::nil)) ?stmt)) =>
    let h1 := constr:(refines_cas_fail_stronger r ptr new old dst) in
      constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ (refines_seq_assoc1 _ _ _)
               (refines_seq_left _ stmt _ h1))
    | (Sseq
      (Satomicmem ?r Op.AScas (?ptr::?new::?old::nil) ?dst)
      (Sseq (Sassume (Op.Ccomp Ceq) (?dst::?old::nil)) ?stmt)) =>
    let h1 := constr:(refines_cas_success r ptr new old dst
      (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _)) in
      constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ (refines_seq_assoc1 _ _ _)
               (refines_seq_left _ stmt _ h1))
    | (Sseq
       (Satomicmem ?r Op.AScas (?ptr::?new::?old::nil) ?dst)
       (Sassume (Op.Ccomp Cne) (?dst::?old::nil))) =>
         constr:(refines_cas_fail_stronger r ptr new old dst)
    | (Sseq
        (Satomicmem ?r Op.AScas (?ptr::?new::?old::nil) ?dst)
        (Sassume (Op.Ccomp Ceq) (?dst::?old::nil))) =>
    constr:(refines_cas_success r ptr new old dst
      (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _))

Ltac refines_cas:=
  refines_fold build_refines_cas;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_dead_code trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sseq ?s1 (Sreturn ?a) =>
        constr:(refines_dead_code_return s1 a (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))
    | Sseq ?s1 ?s2 =>
        constr:(refines_dead_code s1 s2 (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))
    | Sseq ?s1 (Sseq ?s2 ?s3) =>
      let h1 := constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 s1 s2 s3) in
      let h2 := build_refines_dead_code (Sseq s1 s2) in
      let h3 := constr:(refines_seq_left _ s3 _ h2) in
        constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ h1 h3)

Ltac refines_dead_code :=
  refines_fold_not_conservative build_refines_dead_code.

Ltac build_refines_promotes_fence trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sfence ?r => constr:(refines_promotes_fence true r)

Ltac refines_promotes_fence :=
  refines_fold build_refines_promotes_fence;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_promotes_abort trm :=
  match trm with
    | (Sseq (Sfence true) (Sabort Interleaved ?r ?msg)) =>
      constr:(refines_atomic_abort r msg)

Ltac refines_promotes_abort :=
  refines_fold build_refines_promotes_abort;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_store_fence trm :=
  match trm with
    | (Sseq (Sstore false ?af ?addr ?args ?dst) (Sfence ?r)) =>
      constr:(refines_store_fence true r af addr args dst)
    | (Sseq (Sstore false ?af ?addr ?args ?dst)
       (Sseq (Sfence ?r) ?stmt)) =>
    let h1 := constr:(refines_store_fence true r af addr args dst) in
      constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ (refines_seq_assoc1 _ _ _)
               (refines_seq_left _ stmt _ h1))

Ltac refines_store_fence:=
  refines_fold build_refines_store_fence;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_fence_load trm :=
  match trm with
    | (Sseq (Sfence false) (Sload ?af ?addr ?args ?dst)) =>
      constr:(refines_fence_load true af addr args dst)
    | (Sseq (Sfence false)
       (Sseq (Sload ?af ?addr ?args ?dst) ?stmt)) =>
    let h1 := constr:(refines_fence_load true af addr args dst) in
      constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ (refines_seq_assoc1 _ _ _)
               (refines_seq_left _ stmt _ h1))

Ltac refines_fence_load:=
  refines_fold build_refines_fence_load;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Lemma refines_atomic_if_skip_right: forall f cond args stmt,
  no_atomic_in_statement stmt ->
  refines (Sifthenelse cond args (Satomic f stmt) (Sfence false))
      (Satomic f (Sifthenelse cond args stmt Sskip)).
  eapply refines_trans.
  eapply refines_if.
  apply refines_refl.
  apply refines_promotes_fence.
  apply refines_if_atomic; auto.

Ltac refines_dead_code_strong :=
  refines_fold build_refines_dead_code.

Ltac build_refines_local trm :=
  match trm with
    | (Sseq (Satomic ?b ?s1) ?s2) =>
      constr:(refines_right_mover s1 b s2 (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))
    | (Sseq ?s1 (Satomic ?b ?s2)) =>
      constr:(refines_left_mover_strong s1 b s2 (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _))
    | (Sifthenelse ?cond ?args (Satomic ?f ?stmt1) (Sfence false)) =>
      constr:(refines_atomic_if_skip_right f cond args stmt1 (refl_equal _))
    | (Sseq (Sstore Local ?addr ?args ?dst) (Satomic ?b ?s2)) =>
      constr:(refines_localstore addr args dst b s2)
    | (Sseq (Sload Local ?addr ?args ?dst) (Satomic ?b ?s2)) =>
      constr:(refines_localload addr args dst b s2)
    | Sseq ?s1 (Sseq (Satomic ?b ?s2) ?s3) =>
      let h1 := constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 s1 (Satomic b s2) s3) in
      let h2 := build_refines_local (Sseq s1 (Satomic b s2)) in
      let h3 := constr:(refines_seq_left _ s3 _ h2) in
        constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ h1 h3)
    | Sseq (Satomic ?b ?s1) (Sseq ?s2 ?s3) =>
      let h1 := constr:(refines_seq_assoc1 (Satomic b s2) s2 s3) in
      let h2 := build_refines_local (Sseq (Satomic b s1) s2) in
      let h3 := constr:(refines_seq_left _ s3 _ h2) in
        constr:(refines_trans _ _ _ h1 h3)

Ltac refines_local :=
  refines_fold build_refines_local;
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.

Ltac build_refines_branch_same_begin trm :=
  match trm with
    | Sbranch (Sseq ?s1 ?s2) (Sseq ?s1 ?s3) =>
      constr:(refines_branch_same_begin s1 s2 s3)

Ltac refines_branch_same_begin := refines_fold build_refines_branch_same_begin.

Ltac start_build_atomics :=
  eapply refines_trans; [eapply refines_seq;[eapply refines_refl|idtac]|idtac].

Ltac end_build_atomics :=
  apply refines_refl.

Ltac sweep_permissions :=
  refines_swap_freeperm; simpl; refines_remove_freeperm.

Open Scope positive_scope.

Lemma lock_refines: refines (lock_statement) (lock_high).
  intros; unfold lock_high, lock_statement.
  repeat refines_swap_assert.
  repeat refines_dead_code.
  repeat refines_local.
  idtac " --> lock: 10 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma unlock_refines: refines (unlock_statement) (unlock_high).
  intros; unfold unlock_high, unlock_statement.
  repeat refines_local.
  apply refines_refl.

Ltac simpl_regmap H :=
  unfold upd_regset in H;
  repeat (rewrite peq_false in H; [idtac|congruence]); try rewrite peq_true in H.
Ltac simpl_regmap_goal :=
  unfold upd_regset;
  repeat (rewrite peq_false; [idtac|congruence]); try rewrite peq_true.

Remark treiber_stack_equiv :
     (Move 5 := 4;;
      Assume 5 <>;;
      Load 6 := 5 [blk_next];;
      Load 4 := 3 [];;
      Assume 4 = 5;;
      Store 3 []:=6)%I
     (Load 5 := 3 [];;
      Move 4 := 5;;
      Assume 5 <>;;
      Load 6 := 5 [blk_next];;
      Store 3 []:=6)%I.
  unfold refines_in_atomic; intros.
  repeat match goal with
           id: Bigstep.bigstep _ _ _ _ (Sseq _ _) _ _ _ |- _ => inversion id; clarify; clear id
           | id1: Bigstep.bigstep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?st,
             id2: forall _, forall _, ?st <> (_,SIntra _) |- _ =>
               inversion id1; eelim id2; eauto; fail
  repeat match goal with
           id: Bigstep.bigstep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inversion id; clear id
         end; subst.
  repeat match goal with
           id: _ ++ _ = nil |- _ =>
             simpl in id; destruct (@app_eq_nil _ _ _ id); clear id; subst
           | id: ext_trace _ _ nil _ |- _ =>
             generalize (ext_trace_eq_nil _ _ _ _ id (refl_equal _)); clear id;
               intros id; subst
  assert (eval_condition (Ccompimm Cne (v2::nil) = Some true).
    inv H44. simpl in *.
    simpl in *; simpl_regmap H75; auto; clear H75.
  assert (v0=v2).
    simpl in H31.
    simpl_regmap H31.
    simpl_regmap H31.
    simpl in H.
    destruct v0; destruct v2; try congruence.
    > generalize H31; generalize (Int.eq_spec i i0).
      destruct Int.eq; congruence.
    > revert H31; unfold eval_compare_null; simpl.
      destruct Int.eq; congruence.
    > revert H31; unfold eval_compare_null; simpl.
      destruct Int.eq; congruence.
    > case_eq (Ptr.eq p p0); intros He; rewrite He in H31; inv H31.
      unfold Ptr.eq in He.
      destruct Ptr.eq_dec; congruence.
  clear H31; subst.
  assert (m'1=m'3) by (inv H44; congruence).
  assert (m'0=m'1) by (inv H61; congruence); clarify.
  assert (b'1=TSOMemoryMachine.empty_buffer) by (inv H44; congruence).
  assert (b'0=b'1) by (inv H61; congruence); clarify.
  assert (a0=a).
    simpl in H50; simpl_regmap H50; auto.
    simpl in H21; simpl_regmap H21; auto.
      eapply Bigstep.exec_load with (a:=a); eauto.
      simpl in H21; simpl_regmap H21.
    econstructor; [econstructor; eauto|idtac|auto].
      simpl; simpl_regmap_goal; eauto.
    econstructor; [econstructor; eauto|idtac|auto].
      simpl; simpl_regmap_goal; eauto.
    econstructor; [eapply Bigstep.exec_load with (a:=a1); eauto|idtac|auto].
      simpl in H67; simpl_regmap H67.
      simpl; simpl_regmap_goal; eauto.
    replace (((rs4 ## 5 <- v2) ## 4 <- v2) ## 6 <- v1)
      with (((rs4 ## 5 <- v2) ## 6 <- v1) ## 4 <- v2).
    simpl; econstructor; eauto.
      apply ext; intros.
      unfold upd_regset.
      repeat (destruct peq); subst; try congruence.

Lemma allocator_refines: forall bi slot header,
  refines (new_statement bi slot header) (new_statement_high bi slot header).
  intros; unfold new_statement, saveref; simpl.
  repeat refines_remove_leak.
  repeat refines_repeat.
  repeat refines_cas.
  repeat refines_if.
  repeat refines_promotes_abort.
  repeat refines_branch.
  repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_abort.
  repeat refines_branch.
  repeat refines_abort.
  repeat refines_branch.
  refines_replace_in_atomic_with_lemma treiber_stack_equiv.
  repeat refines_dead_code.
  repeat refines_local.
  idtac " --> allocator: 21 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma write_barrier_refines: forall bi fld, refines (update_stmt bi fld) (update_stmt_high bi fld).
  intros; unfold update_stmt, update_stmt_high; simpl.
  repeat refines_remove_leak.
  repeat refines_store_fence.
  repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_if.
  repeat refines_branch.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  repeat refines_abort.
  idtac " --> write barrier: 10 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_cooperate bi : refines (cooperate bi) (cooperate_high bi).
  unfold cooperate; simpl.
  repeat refines_if.
  repeat refines_branch.
  repeat refines_store_fence.
  repeat refines_fence_load.
  repeat refines_local; simpl left_move_conv.
  repeat refines_branch.
  repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_local.
  eapply refines_trans.
  eapply refines_branch_assoc2.
  unfold root_scan, mark.
  repeat refines_remove_leak.
  idtac " --> cooperate: 18 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_spawn bi func : refines (spawn_statement bi func) (spawn_statement_high bi func).
  unfold spawn_statement; simpl.
  repeat refines_swap_assert.
  repeat refines_cas.
  repeat refines_store_fence.
  repeat refines_while.
  repeat refines_dead_code.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  idtac " --> thread spawn: 11 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_start : refines start_statement start_statement_high.
  unfold start_statement.
  refines_remove_dead (Sloop (Load 2 := 1 [md_status];; Assume 2 <> ms_running))%I.
  repeat refines_fence_load.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  idtac " --> thread start: 7 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_end_thread : forall bi, refines (end_statement bi) (end_statement_high bi).
  intros; unfold end_statement; simpl.
  repeat refines_swap_assert.
  repeat refines_cas.
  repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_dead_code.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  idtac " --> thread end: 13 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_prologue N : refines (prologue N) (prologue_high N).
  unfold prologue; simpl.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  sweep_permissions; repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.
  idtac " --> function prologue: 6 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_epilogue : refines epilogue epilogue_high.
  unfold epilogue.
  simpl; refines_store_fence.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  idtac " --> function epilogue: 6 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_gc_startup: forall bi om p, refines (gc_startup bi om p) (gc_startup_high bi om p).
  intros; unfold gc_startup; simpl.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.
  idtac " --> GC global startup: 6 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_wait_hs: forall bi fld val,
  refines (wait_hs bi fld val) (wait_hs_high bi fld val) .
  unfold wait_hs; simpl; intros.
  repeat refines_fence_load.
  repeat refines_local.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.
  idtac " --> GC wait handshake: 11 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_trace: forall bi, refines (trace bi (trace_high bi
  unfold trace; simpl; intros.
  eapply refines_trans.
  eapply refines_repeat_congruence.
  repeat refines_local.
  eapply refines_seq.
  apply refines_refl.
  eapply refines_repeat_congruence.
  repeat refines_local.
  eapply refines_seq.
  apply refines_refl.
  eapply refines_seq.
  2: apply refines_refl.
  apply while_repeat_congruence.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  eapply refines_seq.
  apply refines_refl.
  unfold empty_collector_stack.
  repeat refines_local.
  apply while_repeat_congruence.
  eapply refines_seq.
  apply refines_refl.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  apply refines_if; [idtac|apply refines_refl].
  eapply refines_seq.
  apply refines_refl.
  eapply refines_seq; [idtac|apply refines_refl].
  apply while_repeat_congruence.
  repeat match goal with
   |- context[Satomic ?f ?s] =>
   let H := fresh "ATOMIC" in set (H:=Satomic f s) end.
  repeat refines_if.
  repeat refines_branch.
  unfold ATOMIC, ATOMIC0.
  repeat refines_local.
  apply refines_refl.
  idtac " --> GC trace: 46 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Lemma refines_sweep: forall bi, refines (sweep bi (sweep_high bi
  unfold sweep; intros.
  repeat refines_seq_assoc.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  apply refines_seq; [apply refines_refl|idtac].
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  apply refines_seq; [apply refines_refl|idtac].
  apply refines_if; [idtac|apply refines_refl].
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  apply refines_seq; [apply refines_refl|idtac].
  eapply refines_trans.
  repeat refines_swap_assert.
  repeat refines_cas.
  repeat refines_local; simpl.
  apply refines_refl.
  idtac " --> GC sweep: 18 lines of tactics".
  apply refines_refl.

Ltac debug :=
    (apply refines_repeat_congruence)
    || (apply while_repeat_congruence)
    || (apply refines_atomic)
    || (apply refines_if)
    || (apply refines_seq)
    || (apply refines_refl)
    || (apply refines_branch)
    || (apply refines_loop)
    || reflexivity.